Create Your Emergency Private Network With goTenna Mesh Off-Grid SMS & GPS

goTenna Mesh Off-Grid SMS and GPS devicesHave you ever been lost in the woods with no signal on your phone? Do you remember that feeling of vulnerability and desperation?

Well, fear no more! With goTenna Mesh you can establish human contact in crisis situations like surviving an earthquake, a flood, and even losing your hiking group when camping outside. It’s one of the most useful camping and outdoors gadgets out there. The trick is that you need at least one more person to have this device that transmits GPS data and text even when your phone network is out of service.

Getting Lost Does Not Mean You Are Alone

When you are stuck in an emergency situation and cell phone communication is down, your chances of survival decrease significantly. The developers of goTenna Mesh are well aware of this fact, so they released a stick-like device that enables you to communicate via text within a mesh network with anyone who has a similar transmitter in a radius of up to four miles (6.4km).


This cool camping gadget is highly portable, measuring only 4.2 x 1.3 x 0.9 inches, and weighing just 4 ounces. It is designed to resist extreme weather conditions and boasts 2 Lithium Polymer batteries that last you up to 24 hours. It charges via a micro USB port and the manufacturer guarantees 1 year of optimal performance with regular use.

The goTenna Mesh uses Bluetooth 4.0 to pair with your phone and it works with both iOS and Android smartphones. Also, you can customize the level of communication between sharing GPS data, texting or both between you and your fellow goTenna carrier. The stick holds a flash memory card that can retain hundreds of messages, an LED indicator and a silicone strap that comes in various colors and which you can attach to your backpack.

goTenna Mesh SMS GPS -off-grid no service phone devices interface

Special Features

goTenna Mesh GPS SMS offgrid no service devices special featuresThe great part about the goTenna Mesh stick is that you can use it even if you are not the survivor of a natural disaster situation. This cool little gadget is great for hunter groups who can keep in touch quietly and discretely while chasing their prey. It could prove to be more effective than walkie-talkies or other buzzing devices for two-way messaging.

Additionally, you can take the goTenna stick with you when you and your friends attend a large music festival, where getting lost in the crowd is very likely. If each one of you carries the stick, you will all be connected within a mesh network even if your phone service is down.

Things You Need To Consider

The goTenna Mesh developers have envisioned a technological feat that for the time being is unlikely to perform at its intended potential. This gadget needs to grow in popularity before becoming a must-have for people who go hunting, camping or even attending large music festivals. If you are lost from your friends, but you are the only one having a goTenna, it will not be of much help.


  • High connectivity performance
  • Easy use
  • Portable and durable


  • Not popular enough for now

The Bottom Line

If you are a person who loves the outdoors and frequently goes camping or hunting with your friends, then the goTenna Mesh is an awesome gadget for you (and your friends). Use one and make sure that at least another person from your party has one as well and you will have guaranteed access to human contact in the unlikely event you get separated from your group.

goTenna Mesh - Off-Grid SMS & GPS Devices